2020 Speaking Topics:

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D & I has died - How Social RESPONSIBILITY recruitment Erases Bias and drive profit!

Achieving corporate social responsibility is not simply something companies should reach to attain because it is the “right” thing to do. Social responsibility is a competitive edge. Old schools of thought that once dominated business boardrooms are being disproved by modern research. Gender and ethnic inclusion among corporate leaders is no longer viewed as something only mandated through laws, regulations, or by the customer base. Emerging evidence indicates increased inclusion in corporate leadership roles, and in the boardroom, has a positive impact on the ROI, can increase the financial returns above national industry averages, and can shift market share toward more inclusive companies. In today’s deeply connected, globalized world it should not be surprising that more inclusive companies and organizations are attaining a higher level of financial performance.

Attaining corporate social responsibility: learn how socially responsible executive search techniques that drive inclusion through recruitment

At the intersection of business and industry, community thrives. This timeless reality has continuously impacted how business gets done. Today, there is a disconnect between businesses and inclusion in American society. In the pursuit of premier talent many of the most qualified, diverse candidates are overlooked by traditional executive search firms. Diverse candidates want to be hired because they are the most qualified candidate and happen to be diverse, not because they are diverse. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has progressed beyond ensuring corporate actions that only produce positive financial returns. CSR in the 21st century must account for all stakeholders in the community, not just shareholders. Creating truly inclusive candidate slates is one of the next steps corporations must take to more accurately reflect their key stakeholder customer base: the communities they serve.

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Socially Responsible Senior Leadership - Position Your Company for the Next Frontier and Neutralize Your Competition

Corporate senior leaders are ever adapting and evolving individuals with the vision to lead through not just during the good and the bad times, but new and uncertain times as well. As the American economy has become increasingly globalized, new standards of social responsibility have been demanded by consumers and members of the workforce, alike. Today’s socially responsible leader must now pay attention to the effects of their actions on more than just maximizing revenue generation for their shareholders. Socially responsible senior leaders share an equal responsibility to the health and well-being of the community and the planet.

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The Modern Workforce - How Socially responsible Talent Pipelines Pave the Way for Long Term Sustainability

While strides have been made toward gender and ethnic equality in businesses, equal opportunity for talented individuals of all backgrounds is still a far cry away. In today’s global marketplace, companies continue to drive toward maximum efficiency. However, internal, unrecognized biases can negatively constrain the personal and professional networks of the most seasoned, senior business and hiring leaders. Expanding and equalizing opportunity for all individuals, regardless of gender, race and ethnicity ensures businesses can cultivate and develop the best talent for their professional and executive teams. This sort of equality in succession planning is the most effective way to develop a inclusive professional and executive talent pipeline and pave the way for long-term vitality and sustainability of businesses in the 21st Century.